In this episode of the podcast, Ultra Series’ very own Shaun Kaesler shares his massive passion for ultra trail events!  Listening to Shaun its difficult to not get caught up in that passion and run out to sign up for an ultra immediately 🙂

Helping people to achieve their ultra trail running goals, by providing a platform for them to do just that, is what really drives Shaun to do what he does!  He has seen what an amazing effect completing an ultra event can have on your life!  And as he said a number of times in the podcast – almost anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.  In fact many of the events Shaun runs have very generous close off times to help as many people as possible to cross the line!

Personally running has given Shaun space to be with his millions of thoughts and process them in a healthy way.

“Running allows me to be exactly who I am.” ~ Shaun Kaesler ~

Where you’ll find all the details for the Ultra Series events –

The WA trail running shop we spoke about –

Shaun’s Tips for running an ultra – Before you run an ultra, run regular ParkRuns and volunteer at ultra events.  Don’t go into your first ultra to race it, instead go into it to enjoy it.   Also consider a coach if you want to give it a real crack.