In this episode of the podcast we hear from Aaron Young who only started “running” a couple of years ago while using Triathlons as a path back to fitness after a long time out of sport with an ACL injury. 

As a young person Aaron enjoyed and achieved success in cricket and AFL.  Running was not something he thought he was good at…  Thats all changed.  This last weekend he came second in Birdy’s Backyard behind previous podcast guest, Phil Gore (episode 116), covering approx. 356 km (53 laps of 6.7k – thats 53 hours)!  

Aaron loves being outside and moving through the environment – he finds running a perfect way for him to do just that regularly 🙂

Aaron’s Tips – Find some experienced runners and learn from them and take it slowly.

Birdys Backyard photo credit – Astrid Volzke