The Free 7 Day Get Moving Challenge

It’s time….

We all know that we should move more!  Its simple really…  But so many of us don’t!  We find ourselves in sedentary jobs, we tell ourselves that we’ll fit in a walk here, a game of tennis there, but actually we rarely do.  Meanwhile our STRESS levels are rising!

Maybe you were waiting for the kids to go to school/leave home so you’d have more time to yourself – but has that happened and you’re still finding it hard to find the time for you, the time to move for movements sake?!

For movement to have the positive effect (i.e. less stress) on our bodies AND our minds we need to be deliberate about it, not just add it in if/when we find the time.

Our bodies and our minds are designed to move – when we don’t we develop physical and mental challenges in our lives – more stress.  There are so many studies now that prove that movement is not only good for your physical health but also your mental health.

If you need a kick start to get moving, sign up to the FitMIND FitBODY free 7 day moving challenge today.  You’ll receive an email each day with 30 minutes of movement to do for the day.  Thats it, just 30 minutes – if you can sit down and watch TV/Youtube/Facebook for 30 minutes every day, you can find 30 minutes a day to exercise/move to improve your physical and mental health.

This is about helping you create a moving lifestyle not just for today or this week but for the rest of your life 🙂

My mission is to help 10,000 people to develop fit minds and bodies over the next 2 years, so they can live up to their FULL potential in the world!  Its your time – don’t you deserve a FitMIND and a FitBODY?

Coming Soon

Mindful Running Journal


How to start running & not stop..