My mission is to help as many overwhelmed/stressed people as possible to find more space for themselves so they can thrive and not just survive in this modern world!
Hi there,
Michelle here! I’m super glad you made it to FitMIND FitBODY and onto the about page – it probably means you’re thinking about making some lifestyle changes and you want to know what FitMIND FitBODY can do for you! Which is awesome – I can’t wait to find out more about you and to show you how you can make the most of your life.
Please indulge me below as I lay out a small part of my running story and how FitMIND FitBODY came about – its impossible to separate the two – my “running” life has lead me to this point and the creation of FitMIND FitBODY…

Life can be what ever you want it to be, so dream big and live it to the full!

I’m a mum (or mom if you’re in the USA) of 5 children – 3 of which have flown the nest and one of which has already started his own family, making me also a grandmother of three at the ripe old age of 52 🙂 I love them all dearly and they are a big part of the drive I have to succeed & stay healthy – to show them that life can be what ever you want it to be, so dream big and live it to the full!
I’d like to share my story from the perspective of my love of running and how it saved my life a number of times!
I had a carefree childhood growing up on farm on a tiny Island (1000 – 1500 people & 1,098 km2 in size) called King Island. King Island is in the middle of a stretch of water between Tasmania and the mainland of Australia, called Bass Strait. Like most people my age, I spent a lot of time outside. At school I was good at sports in general and especially running. I just loved that feeling of wind in my hair – it felt very carefree..
Running saved my life…
The first time running saved my life…
As the years went by, I left the Island, went to uni, completed an Education degree, got married and started having kids (not necessarily in that order :-)).. All pretty normal (what ever that is ;-)) and running/exercise took a backseat in my life! I also started smoking in my late teens, so I wasn’t all that healthy when I had my first couple of kids. I had given up smoking by the time I got pregnant with number 2 child. However I was almost 100kg just after she was born. What to do? I remembered how I loved running and decided to run everyday as a way to get the weight off! When I say run it was only a 300 metres jog at first, but it was “every day”. Then I went a little further, mostly down hill to my nan’s house – the night before, I’d leave my car at her place about 1k away and then I’d run to pick it up. Gradually I increased the distance and eventually joined a local running club. If it wasn’t for running I think the weight would’ve killed me, or at the very least I’d be very sick (& depressed)! About 2 years after I’d started to run again I found myself running 10k – 20ks regularly and I had my VO2 Max tested, the scientist said I had great lungs and couldn’t believe I’d only been running 2 years (let alone that I had once smoked).
The second time running saved my life…
My first marriage wasn’t the happiest of marriages – I was young and had low self-esteem, so when the first bloke came along and was nice to me, that was it.. Married, house, kids etc… Unfortunately he had even lower self-esteem than me and as a result he was very controlling and mentally abusive of me for 7 years! It was only when the abuse became physical that I took the 2 kids and left. I should’ve left years earlier! With in days of us leaving he violently took our oldest son (5 at the time) kicking and screaming and drove away. That was the worst 24 hours of my life – I had no idea where my child was and his father had expressed suicidal tendencies leading up to the separation. I managed to get him back later the next day by agreeing to go for a drive with my ex to talk things over. A week or so later he left the state and I never saw him again (24 years ago). I truely believe that if it wasn’t for running I would not have had the strength to leave that relationship when I did! Running gave me many things including self-esteem and the chance to think/reflect about things in my life. At the time my mum would say “what are you running away from?” when I was running a lot – I like to think I was running “towards” a new stronger, braver, healthier, happier me. In 1999 I married my soul mate and he is and always has been very supportive of my running and where ever it takes me!
The third time running saved my life…
For those of you who have children, you know how connected we are to our kids – when things effect them, they also effect us. My oldest son started taking drugs from the age of 16 – he is now in his late 20s and life has not been kind to him. I won’t go into the details, just know that there have been some very tough days for him and me. If it wasn’t for my running and its ability to calm & centre me as I jogged through forest trails, on river/beach shores and on local roads, I believe I would have suffered any number of major mental (and probably physical) health issues & then I would have been of little help to my son.
I’ve been running consistently since 1994 and I’m grateful for that fact, every … single … day.
For the last 27 years running has been a constant in my life – I’ve raced 8 marathons (including an ultra – 50k), I’ve been racing at the local running club since 1996 (where I’m currently president), I’ve jogged all over the world (running is so accessible as an exercise), I’ve been a race director multiple times (including for an ultra race and a charity run), I’ve written a book on running (soon to be two books) and maybe most importantly I’ve developed life long friends through running. I could talk about running until the cows come home 🙂
Its more than just the physical benefits!
In the last few years I’ve started to research all the benefits of aerobic exercise (like running). We all know that exercise is good for us and that we should move a lot more than we do! Our modern lives are so very different from our ancestors lives (not that long ago), and the general scientific consensus is that modern life is creating very unhealthy societies on many levels. One of the key elements is movement (or the lack of it) in modern society.

“Exercise has a dramatic anti-depressive effect – it blunts the brain’s response to physical and emotional stress.” David Linden Ph.d.
In the last couple of decades neuroscientists have discovered that exercise actually grows new neural pathways in our brains (we get smarter when we exercise!). The part of the brain linked to memory and learning (hippocampus) has been found to increase in volume in the brains of regular exercisers. This improves our memory and focus, plus makes us better at task-switching. As David Linden, Ph.D. (Neuroscientist, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) says “Voluntary exercise is the single best thing one can do to slow the cognitive decline that accompanies normal ageing.”
On top of that they’ve done more research into the chemicals that are released when we exercise (run) and they are very good for you! Not just the endorphins we all know about, theres a bunch more that do awesome things for our brains and our bodies! Like endocannabinoids – which is a mood-improving biochemical substances that our bodies produce during exercise, it help us reduced anxiety and create feelings of calm. Dr David Linden says “Exercise has a dramatic anti-depressive effect – it blunts the brain’s response to physical and emotional stress.”
When I reflect on my running I know its been a life saver – its helped me through the tough times and made me resilient (apart from the above I have had a minor stroke and I have a small tumour on my optic nerve – i.e. we all have stuff and it doesn’t need to stop us!). This research has just proven what I and many other runners already know – Running is very good for us physically and mentally.
You too can have this in your life (even if you’ve not run since school) – I am developing FitMIND FitBODY to help 10,000+ runners (almost everyone can be a runner!) to develop healthier minds and bodies over the next 2 years. How can you get started moving?
– Sign up to the FREE 7 day moving challenge,
– listen to the FitMIND FitBODY podcast,
– grab a copy of the Run Forever book,
– join the Facebook Group and
– keep an eye out for the FitMIND FitBODY Mindful Moving program being released mid-late 2021.
* Why running and not other exercises (swim, bike, climb, etc.)? All exercise is good, but I believe running is best 🙂 Physiologically we are made to run, this doesn’t mean you should go from the couch to running a marathon with zero training! Let’s be sensible! It’s just one step in front of the other. And once you’ve got running in your “tool box” you’ll always have it when you need it..

Running can save your save your life.
Let me show you how…

Coming Soon
Mindful Running Journal

Time to get moving- join the free..
7 day GET MOVING challenge

How to start running & not stop..